My heart has always been weak for all things pink, pretty and bow detailed. And particularly fond of the pretty French antiques bedrooms, wishing I could one day make my own very space feel authentically the same.
They say great things take time and although cliche it’s holds true for a reason. When I sought out to change our primary bedroom over from a space that felt like I was just visiting to a place that felt like home, I thought it was something I could do rather quickly. As each month passed, I begrudgingly pushed back the finish line not realizing at each time that it truly would be for the best..

The changes from before to happily ever after
To make the vision for this room come to life, these were the things we began changing from the very beginning of moving into our home two years ago until now ( aside from the carpet, we did all of these updates ourselves) :
- new carpet
- fresh paint
- chair rail
- crown moulding
- wallpaper
- new lighting
- new doors
- added and installed new door hardware
- custom window treatment with drapery by Two Pages and window boxes are a fb marketplace find that my mom and I re-worked for the space
And the story behind it all
As time passed on and I saw my finish date get pushed back further. Life was happening and getting in the way of things, we have four little ones and managing them and keeping the house together is a lot just by itself.
However, the more that time passed, things for the room that I didn’t imagine would be a possibility for me to get, started to become a real possibility. Like the stunning chandelier and bed that I’ve had my heart set on for a very long time.
In January some devastating news made its way into interrupting the process of finishing.
At that time the concept of finishing this room couldn’t be further from my mind.
However as the days and weeks came to pass I would find solace and healing in the journey of completing of putting this space together.
From there I then fell in love with the final details of what felt like truly putting my heart into this space.

What felt cold and distant now feels warm and like home. It’s so interesting how one finds its way through that process and to that point.

If you’re on the same path of redoing your room, I hope that the journey doesn’t take nearly as long or feel as rocky but if it does maybe it is just what’s meant to be.

Let me to take you back, to the beginning of how this space came to be…
Originally we changed the room with new carpet, new paint and lighting. We settled ourselves in and I tried and tried to arrange what furniture and pieces that I had to make the space feel just right.. but I just couldn’t quite figure that out.
I had hoped by adding chair rail it would bring me closer to the feeling that I was hoping for and while it was a step in the right direction, I had to keep going.
Adding Crown & Bowutiful Wallpaper
I came across this stunning garland crown moulding and really wanted to add it to the room. There’s something about crown moulding that just instantly elevates a space.

At the same time I was looking around at wallpaper which honestly terrified me a bit. I don’t like for things to look and feel busy or not be easily changeable. So basically this felt like a major risk to me.

And I felt like it really paid off. It gave this room its very own personality, don’t ya think? The crown moulding can be found here and the wallpaper is by Farrow & Ball and that can be found here.
Doors & Hardware
Next we changed out the colonial style pre-existing doors with shaker interior doors which felt less busy and put my eyes more at ease.
We added stunning hardware by Grandeur Hardware which I detail more in this post here.

I’ve always opted for gold hardware including lighting so switching to chrome was another thing that felt like a risk to me. However it was the right thing to do. There was so much more warmth coming into the space due to the wallpaper and by switching to silver accents I felt it all come more into balance.
The chandelier is a stunning Maria Theresa by Crystorama and you can find it here.

Ok this part was really a dream. I’ve had my eye on this bed and truthfully ALL of the beautiful pieces that are available from Eloquence for years.
I never thought I would actually be able to make it mine. That dream became a reality and was really uplifting during the difficult challenges that I’ve been facing.
It’s perfect in this room is it not? Find that right here.

At the very end of this room makeover another manifestation came to be and that was these beautiful custom Swedish antique nightstands from Le Chateau Atl.
They’re beautiful and so truly unique. You can find similar ones on their website here.

The Before

Lastly, I must show you the beginning. And I’m sure there may be some details that I may have missed, if so just message me and I’ll be happy to share more.

With love,
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